
How To Use A Blog

February 1, 2007


Hi there i am a secound year student studying at south bank university, and as my PraciceInContext assigment i was asked to produce a blog. In this blog i was told to reasearch a topic that incorporated Socail networking. So what is scocial net working and how those it differ from web 2.0 and mash up. Social networking, web 2.0 and mash up are all very much intwined in the sence that they all aim to forfill the 5 goals of social media;- Participation, openness, conversation, community and connected ness. A few examples of web site that incorporate social net working are Claasmates .com, sixdegrees, myspace and google Orkut. All these web sites aim to form a online community where like minded indivudauls can interact and share ideas. These communitys can range from anything from the fans of a certain group to business men looking for new ideas to do busness and make money.

                               Another way of shareing ideas over the internet is blogging (which is what i am doing). A blogg put simply is a journal that starts with the the first most recent post. These journals have can be custom designed (within program limits) to look as you please. Also images videos, podcasts and rss feeds can be placed on them.


h eres how to set up a blogg.




Blog is short for weblog. A weblog is a journal (or a news letter) that is frequently updated and intended for general public consumption. Blogs generally represent the personality of the author of the web site. It is mainly used as a means of social networking that allows individuals from all over the world to trade and compare ideas.

To make a blog follow these steps;

1 log on to the the wordpress site

2 Create a username and password

3 wait for activation email to arrive and confirm your new account

4 sign in using your username and password

5 then click dashboard

6 with dashborad create your topic of disscusion (by going to write post section)

7 Fill in title (in the title section)

8 then post your comments in the post section





Informational sites regarading blogs


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